I was going often too fast for the traffic and also sometimes to slow, and I hated the amount of traffic there, I am going to practice there for a good few hours on the weekend to get use to the conditions and also a feel for the area as I live in Castle Hill not the Blacktown area, however my instructor told me that they also may test in Lalor Park. I know if that had of been my test I would of failed though. My driving instructor told me most of his learners fail at the flushcombe road round-a-bout and also turning onto richmond road as there is no lane marking from lyton st onto richmond rd. Then going in the opposite direction to what we came up until lyton st, turned left to go to richmond road and turned right onto richmond rd, turned left onto third ave and then right onto sunnyholt rd and then straignt to newton rd, left onto flushcombe rd and back to the registry, but this was all a practice. We drove to the registery, then up st martins crescent, left onto bungarribee rd, accross the flushcombe rd round-a-bout, right onto balmoral st, left onto kildare rd, right onto lancaster st & lyton st upto McColoch rd where we did a reverse parallel park, then down to clarence st and left onto irelands rd where we did a 3-point-turn. Also does anybody know what the traffic is like around 3:45 to 4:30 as my test is around then.

I really need my license this time round though so does anyone have any tips, the possible testing routes and also what the examiners are like? I know each is different but are some of some pretty relaxed about things or are they constantly watching you and looking at everything you do.

I only failed for going 45 in a school zone last time at Castle Hill. I had a driving lesson there today and it was definitely more challenging then when I did it last time at Castle Hill. I am taking my P1 test in Blacktown next week.