
Naruto ninja storm revolution panty mod
Naruto ninja storm revolution panty mod

naruto ninja storm revolution panty mod

I hope someone will find a wayt to bring back old gameplay style. Old Storm style gameplay - i'm not going to complain on new gameplay since i didn't even touched it but i don't like that i can't doo Team Ougi and awekening in the same match. I wouldn't mind if it was even only in her bikini/underwear suit. Naruko mod - we know Naruko is going to be in Naruto/Konohamau/Iruka Team Ougi and if her model would be avalaible, maybe someone could do a moveset for her. Tobi is Tenten gave good idea, if you could make these characters playable in drive type, creating a mod for them would be possible. Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution: Konohamaru Sexy no Jutsu MOVESET.

naruto ninja storm revolution panty mod

Some Temari/TenTen/Mei Movesets and some supp only characters movesets, Like Anko/Shizune/Kurenai/Kurotsuchi. Naruto Ninja Storm 4 Road To Boruto Pc Mod 60 Fps - Adult Konohamaru. C'mon, she's fuinjutsu master and s-rank kunoichi afterall and she get frying pan attack as her jutsu?! She doens't even need to have her jonin outfit, just give her serious moveset and chakra chains as jutsu and i'm good. I'm happy that she's in game ( favorite female character on my Naruto list), but she deserve more serious moveset. Since some moders like ombu or Tobi is tenten anounced already they're going to mod revolution, what mods do you expect?

Naruto ninja storm revolution panty mod